Wendy Colley spent 26 years working in the specialty of continence care, 16 years of which were spent as a specialist nurse for West Cumbria, although an interest in this specialty dates back to the early 1980’s. In 1990 she completed the first edition of the Colley Model, an assessment pathway for the assessment of bladder problems in adults. The purpose of the model was to enable those assessing adults with bladder problems, to reach a diagnosis and plan a realistic treatment programme, or refer to other professionals if indicated. Overall, this would give patients an improved outcome by treating the underlying cause of the symptoms. The Colley Model won the Sir Bernard Tomlinson Quality of Care Award in the Northern Region in 1992, following a project using the model to assess and treat continence problems in people with dementia in a long-stay setting. In 2000, Wendy was awarded an OBE for ‘Services to Continence Nursing in West Cumbria’.
Over the years, the model has been updated and available in different formats.
In 2018, a specialist bladder and bowel nurse suggested the model was again updated and made available, along with an assessment form, to those carrying out an initial assessment of bladder symptoms, as a practical tool to support the assessment process.
With input from bladder and bowel specialists and the kind support from the Absorbent Hygiene Products Manufacturers Association (AHPMA) for a grant to fund the website, this work is now complete and available to all. The site is free from any advertising and no one involved in this update has received any payment. All the work has been done on a voluntary basis and in contributors own time and remotely, so as not to incur additional costs.
Grateful thanks are therefore due to those opposite for freely sharing their professional knowledge in the pursuit of improved diagnosis and treatment for those who present with bladder symptoms.
Written and edited by
Wendy Colley OBE
Retired nurse
Including those listed below in alphabetical order by first name: Including Name, Job title and Organisation
Gill Davey
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Dudley region
Jacq Emkes
Patient Advocate
National Bladder and Bowel Project/ NHS England Excellence in Continence Care, Trustee Bladder Health UK.
Julie Vickerman
Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
June Rogers MBE
Children’s Specialist Nurse
Bladder & Bowel UK
Lindsay Lorton
Clinical Advisor
Lindsay McLaren-Brown
Pelvic floor Physiotherapist
Guernsey Physiotherapy Group
Liz Howard-Thornton
Clinical Nurse Specialist (Retired 2020)
University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust
Patricia McDermott
Consultant Clinical Nurse Specialist – Urology
Guernsey Health and Social Care
Sarah Jones
Continence Nurse, Adult Services
Virgincare, North Kent
The Continence Clinical Supervision Group
Who kindly acted as a Peer Review Group, including those listed below in alphabetical order by first name:
Alison Wileman
Continence Service Lead
Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
Debbie Yarde
Clinical Lead Bladder & Bowel Care
Northern Devon NHS Healthcare Trust
Joanne Hoyle
Lead Specialist Nurse Bladder and Bowel
Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust
Sharon Eustice
Consultant Nurse
Cornwall Foundation Trust
Veronica Haggar
Lead Urogynaecology Nurse Specialist
Northampton General Hospital

Grateful thanks to The Absorbent Hygiene Products Manufacturers Association (AHPMA) for providing a grant to fund the website.