Continence Assessment,
Treatment and Management

Coming soon, a website which focusses on the clinical assessment of bladder and/or bowel dysfunction.

The information contained will support health care professionals in their diagnosis of the underlying cause or causes of the symptoms and enable effective treatment and/or management.

There will be a section with patient information for self-help and promoting good bladder and bowel care.

All the information will be produced by experienced health care professionals working in this specialty, along with patient representation, and the content will be peer reviewed.

The information will be free to access by all.

The site will be free from sponsorship and advertising, and will be supported by a grant from the Absorbent Hygiene Products Manufacturers Association (AHPMA).

AHPMA is a non-profit industry body which represents the absorbent hygiene products industry in the UK, including continence care, feminine hygiene and disposable nappies.